18 December 2010

More on High Fructose Corn Syrup

I wonder how the corn industry got all the testimonials they have on their site? Those of us with diabetes need to be aware of the advertisement they have. It is here, very simple and to the point, but at the same time they don't recognize what they are doing to those of us with diabetes.

On their web site they compare corn sugar to cane sugar, sugar, honey, brown sugar, and maple syrup. They do not mention all the foods that now have corn sugar added that never did before. Of course, many of the manufactured foods have not existed for that long either. High fructose corn syrup according to them has been around for 40 years.

If you are a person with diabetes, please take time to familiarize yourself with their web site so that you can distinguish how you are being treated.

17 December 2010

Dietitians May Play Key Role In Diabetes Management

I know that I may offend a few registered dietitians, but I would prefer using the word dietitian. And also I want to emphasize they should be trained in diabetes nutrition. Too many are not and are therefore useless to those of us with diabetes. There are some excellent dietitians that are very knowledgeable about diabetes and they deserve the respect and status from us.

The American Dietetic Association (ADA – different from Diabetes ADA) in their December issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association reviews the evidence and nutrition practice presented in the ADA Nutrition Practice Guidelines for Type 1 and Type 2.

The summary of the recommendations are:
  1. Consistency in day-to-day carbohydrate intake for persons with type 2 diabetes
  2. Adjusting insulin dose to match carbohydrate intake for persons with type 1 diabetes
  3. Focusing on total carbohydrate intake rather than the type of carbohydrate
  4. Cardio protective nutrition interventions
  5. Weight management strategies
  6. Regular physical activity
  7. Use of self glucose monitoring data to determine if goals are being met
I would have to ask some questions, but the basic ideas are excellent if they can be varied to fit each individual. The one point that I must disagree with is the third point above. Total carbohydrate intake being more important that the type of carbohydrate is unhealthy. Many people with diabetes know this. Why can't those that we depend on for nutritional guidance understand this?

Oh, yes, we have the American Diabetes Association to thank for this piece of stupidity, along with the American Medical Association. It seems that they do not understand the difference between good nutritional carbohydrates and poor non-nutritional carbohydrates. I cannot accept their – a carbohydrate, is a carbohydrate, is a carbohydrate mantra.

You may read the article here.

16 December 2010

Are We to Believe that Corn Sugar is Safe?

The television advertising by the corn industry is becoming very nauseous. Their advertisements that corn sugar is the same as sugar is as pretentious as any I have seen. Now that their “new” name for high fructose corn syrup is corn sugar, they are wanting us to believe that the formulation has changed (no way) and the damage it can do is the same as sugar to those of us with diabetes (again untrue).

Living in a state known for its corn production does not mean that I have to like that the corn industry is attempting to hoodwink the rest of the country and hoping those living in corn country will remain silent. The various states promotion boards, the various states corn growers associations, and the National Corn Growers Association are all involved in promoting every phase of corn advertising including corn sugar, corn ethanol, and other corn products. The same can be said for soybean products by the soybean industry.

Because it has been cheaper to produce than other sugars, the corn sugar has been added to so many foods that it is small wonder that diabetes has increased so dramatically.  Until the general public wakes up to this and starts demanding the restriction of its use where it is not needed, the corn industry will continue to push for continued expansion of use to the detriment of the world's population.

Since the United States has moved away from the agrarian society of small farmers to large corporate farmers, the push to more unhealthy foods and food additives has increased dramatically. Also, the corporate growth has meant larger revenues to be spent for lobbing efforts to dilute the enforcement of food safety by the Federal Food and Drug Administration and the United States Department of Agriculture.

When is this going to end, when the public starts to protest. I am doing my part by not purchasing products that I know are unsafe and detrimental to my health. This is becoming more of a chore with the genetically modified foods which have not been tested extensively. This extensive testing has not been done for the genetically modified feeds fed to our genetically modified animals (dairy, beef, and swine) and birds (poultry, turkey, ostrich, and others).

Because land is finite and the population continues to grow, this increased pressure for food production has caused our food sources to be able to avoid much of the necessary testing to determine its safety.

Remember this is name only change from high fructose corn syrup to corn sugar. Nothing else has changed so everything we learned about HFCS still applies.

15 December 2010

HFCS or Corn Sugar Again A Bad Boy

Before saying anything you must know that this is a news item from doctors and not a study by researchers.

High fructose corn syrup or corn sugar as it is now called is again on the list of culprits that are being held up as examples of just how we are being treated by our food manufacturing industries. Fructose, of which corn sugar is the big contributor, is the subject of a new review in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN).

The link between high intake of fructose and metabolic syndrome is constantly being reinforced. The authors of this review stated that there is more evidence that fructose may have a role in hypertension and renal disease. The negative effect of excessive amounts of sugar and high fructose corn syrup on cardiovascular and kidney health is of increasing concern.

The authors expressed increasing concern that physicians may be overlooking this health problem when advising chronic kidney disease patients to follow a low protein diet. They also urge that low protein diets include a warning to restrict added sugars containing fructose.

Therefore, we must be careful ourselves if we have diabetes, hypertension, or chronic kidney disease to limit the intake of fructose. This is also good advice for anyone, whether normal weight, overweight, or obese, as the intake of fructose may lead to these problems. Our health is important.

14 December 2010

Geneticists Say Diabetes Not Genetic

So what I believed is wrong. Yes, I had believed that diabetes was genetic. Now I must realign my thinking and forget the misconceptions I harbored. Genetic researchers have now shown there is little evidence to validate that inherited genes cause common diseases. This is hard to believe because of the families that diabetes occurs in generation after generation.

Heart disease, stroke, cancers, diabetes, and disorders like autism, ADHD, and dementia, and more do not have a genetic causation with a high degree of confidence according to researchers. Then the researchers say that the genetic link was only a hypothesis to begin with.

Yes, the other side is still holding out hope for a genetic link, but at best the links are so trivial that they lend not credence to the validity of genetic links. This means that the diseases we get can only be blamed on ourselves, our environment, and not inherited genes.

Now we must learn that the billions of dollars directed to finding these disease genes may well be directed for finding actual cures for some of these diseases. We will need to review our potential environmental causes, and possibly the genetics of our food sources.

The analysis does not diminish the significance of monogenic disorders such as cystic fibrosis, Huntington's disease or sickle cell anemia that are scientifically established. Since clinical data have shown that many diseases can be reversed or accelerated by diet and other lifestyle changes.

So in the future, no more referring to genetic links for diabetes – as of now they no longer exist. Read the information here and the related one here.  

This has happened since I posted this so read the rebuttal here.

13 December 2010

Bariatric Surgery Can Mask Diabetes

Finally, a word of caution on bariatric surgery! Some of us with diabetes have had some serious doubts about the claims by the American Diabetes Association and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists on the successes of bariatric surgery for stopping diabetes. Then there is the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery endorsement of the procedure which is extremely profitable for its member surgeons.

Now, some practical in your face results are refuting the successes and pointing to a problem of the surgery masking diabetes. Although the numbers are small at this time, doctors are saying that bariatric surgery is not a cure for diabetes. Plus these doctors are calling for long-term following of bariatric surgery patients to track side-effects and mortality rates.

Researchers are now finding flaws in a meta-analysis of 621 studies by Buchwald et al, which concluded that bariatric surgery was a cure for diabetes. Bariatric surgery has been touted as a cure for Type 2 diabetes. Because of decreasing insulin resistance and secretion. Fasting plasma glucose and HbA1c have been used as evidence for that conclusion.

Fasting blood glucose and HbA1c are poor criteria to establish remission of diabetes after surgery. Using glucose tolerance tests and continuous glucose monitoring needs to be considered to make an educated assessment of the glycemic status for this group of patients. Plus postprandial hyperglycemia levels need to be measured.

This blogger warns us of the problems of weight loss surgery (bariatric) here and again here. She also has several other blogs starting in 2008. My one mention is in my blog here – in the third paragraph.